Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lamb Soap Sculpture

Started off with the basic shapes of my lamb. 

So it's not perfect, but my proportions worked out pretty well. 

This is the lamb that gets altered. 

First thing I did was cut off the head of the lamb, because I just couldn't get rid of it. 

Next thing was to melt off the feet because they were the next most recognizable part of the lamb, besides the head. 

I wanted to add more soap to the sculpture, so I took a piece from the original soap bar and microwaved both together so they would stick and form a platform for the lamb. 

Next I took pieces from a Christmas tree ornament and looped them through the soap. 

I boiled the piece next and it lost a lot of the soap so I added the shavings from carving and they stuck to the sculpture. 

I put the sculpture in the freezer so the pieces would bond together. Afterwards the pieces that didn't melt together fell off. 

Last but not least I added the head back on with a piece of wire.